#FCAvirtual: A New Way of Community

In the middle of such constantly changing times, there are a few things that stay the same: God’s Word, our call to be disciples who make disciples, and our need to grow in our faith.
For 65 years, FCA has been engaged in sports ministry, constantly innovating to effectively reach the changing landscape our coaches and athletes experience. As we look at the new reality of off-site ministry, we want to seize the opportunity and build momentum in a new, digital era.

Bottom line: we want to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. And we want to equip coaches and athletes to make the most of this unprecedented time to get creative in staying connected with their teams. It’s in these days where we need each other the most, and that’s why FCA is introducing #FCAvirtual, an online and social media initiative to rally coaches, athletes, and staff around the incredible stories of what God is doing through virtual FCA ministry.

This is a space to get ideas for how to engage teams and Huddles in online spiritual growth and to look for ways to serve and connect in this time of limited social interaction. Be encouraged by what God is doing around the world through the virtual avenue and stay notified of evolving ministry and training happening in the field for new ideas, and unify leaders around a common rallying cry during a time of increased isolation.

Ready to get started? Here’s how:
First, establish what kind of ministry environment you want to create. Then, find the communication platform that will best serve your purposes. We suggest Zoom or Google Hangouts, but you choose the platform that best fits your scenario.
Utilize these tools to help you minister to your groups virtually.
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How do you want to grow? There are a few options, and you can certainly participate in more than one. Choose from:
  • Individual - All FCA resources can be used for personal Bible study to help you grow in your walk with Christ.
  • 1-on-1 -Find another teammate or coach, commit to a mentoring relationship with them, and study the Bible or other FCA resources together.
  • Huddles - Find a group of teammates or coaches, commit to meeting online on a consistent basis, and study the Bible, a topic of interest, or use an FCA resource for discussion or application.
Invite other people to join you on the journey.
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Choose from the latest FCA resources that will best serve your needs and interests. From YouVersion Bible reading plans (there are over 50 to choose from), The FOUR Gospel explanation, to our Daily Impact Play devotionals and Huddle tools, we’ve got you covered for any content you want to explore.
See the latest FCA resources that you can access on any device for personal or group ministry.
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Get to It!

Utilize #FCAvirtual to share how your community is growing and to spread new and innovative ministry ideas that others can learn from. We are all in this together and we want to see what God is doing around the world through His #FCAvirtual movement!

For I am about to do something new.
    See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
    I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

-Isaiah 43:19

There has never been a better time for God to reach the hearts of His children than now. Join Him on the journey and jump in to #FCAvirtual.
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