A certified small group bible study/devotion for coaches and athletes.

Our Huddle Locations

North Lake County Huddles

Location Contact Email Address
Eustis High School - Football Brian Palmer Youth@lakeeustischristian.com
Eustis High School Brittany Beall scottb@lake.k12.fl.us
Eustis Middle School Becky Hoover rebeccae1529@yahoo.com
First Academy Kevin Scarbrough sportsfrenzynews@gmail.com
Ladies Redtail Bible Study Denise Glisson dmrg922@aol.com
Lake Sumter State College Rich Billings billingr@lssc.edu
Lake Sumter State College Coaches Matt Matulia
Leesburg High School Luke Freeze frozengator@yahoo.com
Lake Sumter State College - Female Coaches Virginia Scuderi VScuderi@fca.org
Mount Dora High School Frank Scott scottf6312@gmail.com
Mt. Dora High School - Football Joshua Douglas joshuadouglas111@yahoo.com
Mt. Dora High School - Softball Joshua Douglas joshuadouglas111@yahoo.com
Round Lake Middle School Elizabeth Matulia ematulia@aol.com
Tavares High School - Football Coaches David Kelly dkelly@newhopepca.com
Tavares High School Karen Kelly kellyk@lake.k12.fl.us
Umatilla High School Bryan Totten totten_b@yahoo.com
Umatilla Middle School Sarah Short shorts1@lake.k12.fl.us

South Lake County Huddles

Location Contact Email Address
East Ridge High School Rick Everett everettr@lake.k12.fl.us
East Ridge Middle School Josh Castleman castlemanj@lake.k12.fl.us
Lake Minneola High School Kerry E. Whetro whetrok@lake.k12.fl.us
Montverde Academy John Weaver jweaver@lhps.org
Real Life Christian Academy Joshua Norton Jnorton@getreallife.com
Real Life Christian Academy Football Joshua Norton Jnorton@getreallife.com
South Lake High School Tony McCoy PastorTony@gohopechurch.com
South Lake High School Football Tony McCoy PastorTony@gohopechurch.com

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PO Box 895415, Leesburg, FL 34789, United States
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